Welcome to Depression Recovery

Welcome to the Depression Recovery blog! If you suffer with depression or love someone who does, you have come to the right place for encouragement and practical help. I am not a health professional, but I know the darkness of major depression and the crippling effects of anxiety and OCD that often accompany it. Living with depression, I masked my way through daily life, waking each morning feeling as though someone had died and then realizing....it was me. Perhaps you agree that a fitting definition of major depression is death without the benefit of being unconscious. If that sounds a little dramatic, then that's good. If it sounds painfully accurate, then you've come to the right place, because I also know what recovery is! Take heart, friend. I invite you to read my blog from the beginning post and onward as I have logged my progress (and lack of it sometimes), and have not only spotted the light at the end of the tunnel, but have emerged into its presence!

I invite you to email me at
simmonsmg@wildblue.net if you have questions or comments as you read.

Starting Your Journey

Begin your journey to depression recovery by starting from the first post. ~ To read it, click here.

You may also click here to read all the posts for 2009, then continue in reading the archives for 2010. Please remember to start with the last post and work your way backwards to the most current post. Thank you!


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Man, It's Good to Be Sane!

I just got off the phone with someone who I had wanted to settle an issue with for some time. Nothing really heavy, but just something that had been on my mind that needed clarification in order to avoid misunderstanding. So, guess what I did? I just said it. And, turns out, it was no big deal to the other person either. The thing to note here is that during the Great Depression, I would have spent hours, days, maybe even months in anxiety and chasing my tail over having this conversation. I would have entertained distorted thoughts, maybe even a panic attack or two, in FEAR of a simple conversation. Uggghhh..... I feel exhausted just thinking about it. HOWEVER, this time, the conversation just came out and it was over in a matter of a couple of minutes. No anxiety. Why? Because my brain is working!!!!!! Because I am now able to sort my thoughts and speak my true and honest feelings.....and be CONTENT with them. As the Bible says, "Let your yes be yes and your no be no." That is what a thinking person does. I'm also reminded of another passage in Scripture that says, "How long will you waver between two opinions?" Make up your mind. The problem is that people with major depression can't just "make up their minds." If the mind is broken, it isn't going to be able to sort that easily. But thanks be to God and to the Nedley program and the maintenance that I continue, I CAN make up my mind. There is hardly a day that passes that I don't notice something that causes me to say to myself, Man, it's good to be sane again! What steps are you taking to get to this place? Email me if you need help: simmonsmg@wildblue.net

Monday, June 6, 2011

False Advertising

Oh!! I must say I really get upset when I see that TV advertisement for some drug that is being promoted (I can't remember the name) for treating depression. It's not that I'm opposed to ads for anti-depressants. I would not have made it if I hadn't taken one way back at the beginning of my journey (see my whole story by going to the first post and onward). But this particular one is the one where the sad, gloomy cartoon lady is walking around with this black blob hanging over her. That's her depression. She is saying how her regular anti-depressant didn't help, so then she added this other one and now she feels "better." Even at the end of the commercial when the black blob has decreased in size, it is still there with her, lurking in her life. But she's just glad she's "better" and says that now she can handle her depression. Through the whole commercial she calls it "my depression" like it is an arm or a leg or some other part of her body that she can't shake. Oh!! I am so frustrated because that gives the message to viewers with depression that they can only hope to be "better" and that "their depression" has to be a part of their lives forever and that the best they can hope for is for it to shrink in intensity. Wrong!!! If you haven't checked out my journey from start to finish, please do. More important, check out drnedley.com to see how you can go through his recovery program at home. Or maybe there is a recovery program going on in your area. Email them at their web site and find out. Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to live with the black blob forever.

Still Recovered!

Wow, it's been way too long since I've left a post here. Sorry! For those of you who are returning to this blog from time to time, I want to remind you that I'm more than happy to receive messages from you.

Well, I just want to report that after over two years since going through the Dr. Nedley Depression Recovery program, I'm still doing well. Do I still have problems in my life? Yes, I sure do. In fact, there are some things going on that really have me concerned. Some of the same things I was concerned about when I was living with depression. But what I am noticing is that I am not experiencing actual depression. I am sad sometimes, yes. But I'm not crippled by it. I am concerned, but I'm not having panic attacks. I can feel bewildered at times, but not hopeless. The reason is because it is now possible to have concerns about things that may be depressing in themselves without experiencing depression as an illness. This is quite a revelation! This is proof that we truly can recover from depression! Even when life gets hard again. Good news, huh? Please remember, friend, that you don't have to live with depression either.... no matter what's going on in your life. Temporary depression is normal for situations like losing a loved one, the loss of a job, loss of a dream, etc. But if that depression lingers on and on without any improvement, you will want to consider the possibility that you have major depression. If this is your first visit, please start at the beginning of my blog posts and follow through with me as I posted my journey from darkness to light. Check out drnedley.com

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year!

Well, it's 2011, and I'm still recovered! Praise Jesus! And speaking of that, I have renewed my covenant with God to use my brain efficiently for Him and for others.

It's been a couple of months since my last post, so I'll catch up a bit. We just finished our first series of meetings doing the Dr. Nedley Depression Recovery DVDs. Our group was small, but it was successful and it thrilled my heart to listen to the testimonials of participants as they said how they are better. I am planning to begin the program again in late February and I'm praying for anyone and everyone who may consider coming.

On a more personal note, I had a very warm and satisfying experience over the holiday when my daughter (26) told me that she is so proud of me for "killing the beast" of depression in my own life and then going on to help others. That made me feel very good. :-) Affirmation from one's own children is always a sweet moment.

Well, I am not sure why you are reading this, but if you are suffering with depression yourself, please feel free to email simmonsmg@wildblue.net if you have questions or concerns or comments. You may feel free to make posts here, too, although an email will get my attention sooner. :-)

Hold on! And if you haven't checked out Dr. Nedley's DVD program yet, it might just be the best New Year Resolution you ever make! www.drnedley.com