Welcome to Depression Recovery

Welcome to the Depression Recovery blog! If you suffer with depression or love someone who does, you have come to the right place for encouragement and practical help. I am not a health professional, but I know the darkness of major depression and the crippling effects of anxiety and OCD that often accompany it. Living with depression, I masked my way through daily life, waking each morning feeling as though someone had died and then realizing....it was me. Perhaps you agree that a fitting definition of major depression is death without the benefit of being unconscious. If that sounds a little dramatic, then that's good. If it sounds painfully accurate, then you've come to the right place, because I also know what recovery is! Take heart, friend. I invite you to read my blog from the beginning post and onward as I have logged my progress (and lack of it sometimes), and have not only spotted the light at the end of the tunnel, but have emerged into its presence!

I invite you to email me at
simmonsmg@wildblue.net if you have questions or comments as you read.

Starting Your Journey

Begin your journey to depression recovery by starting from the first post. ~ To read it, click here.

You may also click here to read all the posts for 2009, then continue in reading the archives for 2010. Please remember to start with the last post and work your way backwards to the most current post. Thank you!


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year!

Well, it's 2011, and I'm still recovered! Praise Jesus! And speaking of that, I have renewed my covenant with God to use my brain efficiently for Him and for others.

It's been a couple of months since my last post, so I'll catch up a bit. We just finished our first series of meetings doing the Dr. Nedley Depression Recovery DVDs. Our group was small, but it was successful and it thrilled my heart to listen to the testimonials of participants as they said how they are better. I am planning to begin the program again in late February and I'm praying for anyone and everyone who may consider coming.

On a more personal note, I had a very warm and satisfying experience over the holiday when my daughter (26) told me that she is so proud of me for "killing the beast" of depression in my own life and then going on to help others. That made me feel very good. :-) Affirmation from one's own children is always a sweet moment.

Well, I am not sure why you are reading this, but if you are suffering with depression yourself, please feel free to email simmonsmg@wildblue.net if you have questions or concerns or comments. You may feel free to make posts here, too, although an email will get my attention sooner. :-)

Hold on! And if you haven't checked out Dr. Nedley's DVD program yet, it might just be the best New Year Resolution you ever make! www.drnedley.com