I have finished the 8-week DVD sessions of Dr. Nedley's. I have to say the strangest thing happened. When I finished the 7th session, I kept putting off watching the last one. I knew I should do it, but I just didn't want to. Yet, I didn't know why. Finally, as Mark and I sat down to watch it, I realized! The reason I didn't want to watch the last session was because I didn't want it to be over. Then I thought, Gwen, you really are crazy! How could you possibly not want a depression recovery program to be over? The answer is that it has helped me so much and has been so enlightening that I think I had a fear that once the DVD was over, I might not maintain the positive effects. But when I watched it, Dr. Nedley summarized the program, he said, "It's not over." What?? I felt a surge of hope. That sounds strange, but it's true. He said, "You may feel already that you are depression-free" (well, I couldn't say I was depression-FREE, but certainly much closer to it), "but the recovery program is a 20-week program." That's right. I had almost forgotten that. So, I felt a surge of ambition as I remembered that I have several weeks left to keep implementing the things I've learned and to feel the healing effects. So, I'm now going over my workbook every day and writing down the things I have learned and taking a more solid commitment to applying them ALL. I do so want to be completely recovered and I know it IS happening. Just think---by the time the holidays come, I will be recovered! So.... from here I will be sharing with you bits and pieces of the recovery plan, so that you can try them yourself. If you want to do the complete program, you can find the info at www.drnedley.com
14 Consecutive Days of No Negative Speech: Oh, dear, I've talked about this one before. And, no, I have not yet accomplished it. Still having to start over. But I have become very aware of how many negative things I do say (and think) and I'm benefiting from shaving them down. This isn't just a matter of "thinking positive." The idea of just thinking positive, does not have the same effect as NOT thinking negative. This doesn't mean that we should run from our problems. That's not realistic. It does mean that we should face them with hope and practical solutions.
Classical Music: This is huge! I can't believe how much it really does help. I have it playing right now. I recommend Starlight Classics for bedtime, and Power Classics for morning to get the day started. I could go into detail and WHY it helps. But just try it. You don't have to LIKE classical music in order to benefit form it. I think of it as medicine. But I'm increasingly enjoying it.
Drink 8 glasses of water a day. Keep your brain hydrated.
Exercise. Really. If you can exercise in the sunshine, you'll be killing two birds with one stone as sunshine is also a major player in healing depression. Get some sunshine every day. And getting it through the window isn't as effective as directly. If you do it when the sun is not the most intense, you wont' have to worry so much about sun screen.
Deep Breathing. Oxygen to the brain. This is obvious to understand, but hard to remember to do. I need to put up some post-it notes that say DON'T FORGET TO BREATH!
Read Proverbs every day. One chapter per day from the book of Proverbs in the Bible. Dr. Nedley recommends coinciding the day with the chapter. For example, this is the 25th, so I would read Proverbs, chapter 25.
More later.....